Noise-contrastive estimation, 613
Nonparametric model, 111
Norm, xv, 36
Normal distribution, 60, 61, 122
Normal equations, 106, 106, 109, 228
Normalized initialization, 297
Numerical differentiation, see finite differ-
Object detection, 444
Object recognition, 444
Objective function, 79
OMP-k, see orthogonal matching pursuit
One-shot learning, 531
Operation, 199
Optimization, 77, 79
Orthodox statistics, see frequentist statistics
Orthogonal matching pursuit, 23, 250
Orthogonal matrix, 39
Orthogonality, 38
Output layer, 162
Parallel distributed processing, 16
Parameter initialization, 295, 398
Parameter sharing, 247, 329, 365, 367, 380
Parameter tying, see Parameter sharing
Parametric model, 111
Parametric ReLU, 187
Partial derivative, 81
Partition function, 561, 598, 660
PCA, see principal components analysis
PCD, see stochastic maximum likelihood
Perceptron, 14, 23
Persistent contrastive divergence, see stochas-
tic maximum likelihood
Perturbation analysis, see reparametrization
Point estimator, 119
Policy, 471
Pooling, 324, 673
Positive definite, 86
Positive phase, 461, 599, 601, 647, 659
Precision, 415
Precision (of a normal distribution), 60, 62
Predictive sparse decomposition, 516
Preprocessing, 445
Pretraining, 317, 521
Primary visual cortex, 356
Principal components analysis, 44, 143, 144,
481, 623
Prior probability distribution, 132
Probabilistic max pooling, 674
Probabilistic PCA, 481, 482, 624
Probability density function, 55
Probability distribution, 53
Probability mass function, 53
Probability mass function estimation, 100
Product of experts, 563
Product rule of probability, see chain rule
of probability
PSD, see predictive sparse decomposition
Pseudolikelihood, 608
Quadrature pair, 361
Quasi-Newton methods, 310
Radial basis function, 191
Random search, 426
Random variable, 53
Ratio matching, 611
RBF, 191
RBM, see restricted Boltzmann machine
Recall, 415
Receptive field, 330
Recommender Systems, 469
Rectified linear unit, 166, 187, 417, 499
Recurrent network, 23
Recurrent neural network, 370
Regression, 97
Regularization, 117, 117, 172, 222, 422
Regularizer, 116
Reinforcement learning, 25, 103, 471, 679
Relational database, 474
Relations, 474
Reparametrization trick, 679
Representation learning, 3
Representational capacity, 111
Restricted Boltzmann machine, 348, 451,
471, 579, 623, 647, 648, 662, 667,